Wednesday, August 31, 2005

the sports

In Italia September is fuck happy time. is the time for return of the football. Italy peoples are love the football to much, especialy the fanatics as me. I am cheer AC Milano, fuck best team of the world. Milano have now the holigans very good. As the British we are like the violent, but without the phisical contact (we are not so idiot as the english to make dirty our cloths). We are prefer just throw things to the other fanatics (coins, darts, motorbikes etc) and make the facism (I'm prefer rastafari but for the football the agressives is more better) So for celebration this lovely time, i'm dicide to write for the sports. Because evrybody is love the sports, even so the gays! ( horse jumps, badminton).

Football: is fuck best sports of the world. Are you ever notice that all contrys that are not like this sport have a mental deficient? USA - one in 5 mens is a fat, Australia - one in tens mens is a womens, New Zealand - one in 5 mens is a sheeps etc etc etc. Football was invent for the british. In the fact, most of sports was invent for the british but always they were forget how to play! Always they was invent a sports, lose to evry contry of the worls, invent an other sports, lose to evry conty of the world , invent an other sports, lose again etc etc etc. But the invent of football is a very disgust and sickness story. Is dificult for me to explain you such a horrible but I'm will try ...
Football was invent in the public school (especial institute for boys that are not like girls). in this schools had some very pervert games. One was call "sticky biscit". the boys was sit in the circle, take the biscuit (or cake, somtimes toast, may be melon) and put some music on the stereo (or "grammar phone" in this times). When the music was stop, the boy that was hold the biscuit was have to ... (sorry mates, i'm not enjoy this) ... make a wank to the biscuit! then eat up it!! Yes mates, I'm not joke!! Anywhere, one day the boys was play this fuck sickness game and the teacher was enter sudden the room. the boy with the biscit was become very scare and throw it off the window, the teacher was try to look, the boys were jump from the window and kick the biscit far away so teacher was not see, as soon as possible evrybody was chase the biscit, kick and run, kick and run .... and so the game of football was birth.

Cricket - Also call croquette. Fuck rubish sports. Of course invent for the British. Is a game very unfair. One team have 11 mens and an other have 2. The 11 mens are try to throw the ball to the other mens head. Only the contrys that are shit in football (Indian, Pakistan, Austria etc) are allow for play this game. the referee is call an "empire" for remember the britanic history and make the england feel more better when they are lose to every teams.

Horse race: The horses are race with some dwarfs on the backs. the dwarfs are allow hit the horse very hard with magic wand and shout "cunt" and "wanker" to the animals. is ok becuase the horse is not understand.
Are you know that if the horse is ejaculate before the race he is become tired and is not want run fastly? For this reason now some people are wank the horse before the race for make a sabotage. In 1981, the IRA was wank a very famos Ireland horse call Shogun. But because they was Catolic after wank it they was have to shot it! (Is ileagal that Catolics are make a wank, even so for animals. For more explain, see my text "the religons").

Rugby - sometimes call Wales. I'm never see this game but my freind Stefano was say me about that. I was explain before, so I'm will quickly ... 9 mens are hold to each other in very gay way and try push an others 9 mens into the sea. Is call a "scrumbag" The referee is drop an egg to the middle and all the mens are try for step the egg. The scrumbag is finish when the egg is break or one team is drown. Some times the scrumbag is duration a very long times. The most long was in 1973, between Britain and Scotland, and was continue for 4 days and a half. Only was finish when one Britanic was become to hungry and was eat the ear of a Scotch player. Some times the players are disapear in the scrumbag and no body is never see thems again (Jonny Wilkinson).

War - not oficial a sport but is similar. Contrys are play each others and sometimes have a world cup, for example 1914 and 1939. Now is favorite sport of America. Also is national sport of the Germany. Is why for germany is very impotant to beat the england in football. they are fuck angry that the england were beat thems in there national sport two times, and are want make the revenge!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You no have sayed the bowling. Is very populace for the womans islamics.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gianluca, I congratulate you on your erudite knowledge of sport. I myself only have knowledge of sporting matters in connection with Jewism.

Traditionally, the sport of the miserly Jewist is long-distance running. This sport requires no purchase of specialist kit or materials, and no membership of a gymnasium, and is therefore compatible with the miserly Jewist's belief that spending as little money as possible brings one closer to God (or 'Yahoo' as the Jewists call him). Furthermore, long-distance running takes forever, so one has less free time to spend money.

Giant-nosed Jewists have traditionally participated in the 100m sprint, for their massive beaks put them at a considerable advantage when it comes to photo-finishes.

The Half-cock Jewist does not play sport. There is no sport for which it is advantageous to have half a penis.

Bumrape Jewists, on the other hand, do participate in sports, although they do so on a more individual basis, for there is no sport that they 'traditionally' compete in (with the possible exception of 'Bumrape-volleyball', although they are the only breed of Jewists that play it so it doesn't really count). The most successful Bumrape Jewist sportsman was swimmer Mark Spitz (his surname was in fact his nickname, which he received for obvious reasons). Spitz was also a Half-cock Jewist, which put him at a considerable disadvantage from the outset. Male swimmers use their penises as underwater oars, and the bigger the oar, the faster the swimmer, a fact proven by massive-knobbed Australian Ian Thorpe, aka 'Thorpaedo' (so-called after his penchant for bumming four-year-olds in preparation for a race). However, Spitz overcame his disability to win gold, frankincense AND myrrh medals at the Munich Olympics. Mozzle-toff Mr Spitz!

Professor Dave Racism-Wiggins PhD, DP, FFM,
Department of Wrong History,
The Ronnie Fuckstep Institute,

5:03 PM  
Blogger Gianluca Di Milano said...

Ah thanks you anonymous. You are right for the bowling. is very poular for the womens islamics but I'm must to corection you. they are not call it "bowling", is call "skittles". Yes, was very popular for the islamics, especily the Somalia community of Hounslow, england but many were stop in 1859 when the Charles Dickens, very famouse Islamis film star, was anounce "there's more to life then beer and skittles".

2:54 PM  

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