The Writers Black
Hi mates! Sorry I'm not write since a long times but I was have a very serios mentalism. I was have the "writers black". Are you know of this, goozers? Is a condicion very serios that is afflect only the writers very genius, for example I, Umberto Eco, George Orwells (TV presenter and creater for big brother), Shakin' Stevens (15th century britanic playwrite) etc. What is happen? I'm say you. The writer is wake up and very suden is forget evrything - how to spell the words, where to make the puncutation, even so how to hold the pen or switch on the computer. Therfor evry time the writer is look to the computer can only see the black ("writers black"). This condicion was afflect also the musicans. Jim Morisons was suffer a "black attack" live on stage in Florida. When he was sing his song "Crawling King Snake", he was sudden forget the words and so was take out his penis for to make a mime. But the police were not understand his disease and arrest him. (Morisons was very disapointing and soon after left the band for open his supermarket). Also, Stevens the Cat, soon after he was change to islamic religon, was forget the words for all his songs and also the base lines and so was never perform thems again. Even so he was forget his name and the local rabbi (islamic father) was have to give a new one ("Salmon Rushdie"). This is why he was not an angry when the Westlife (shit fuck crap rubish lesbian boy band) made a cover-up of his song "Sons and Daughters". He was not know it was his song!
Anywhere, I was very worry for my condicion. I was not ability to write any historys and become very scare that my fanatics would be dessert me. Then I was remember the word of my old enemy, Grant Edmunds. He was say very clear is good for wank with lissen to the favorite musicals, something very strong and power, for example Sysem of a Down. So I am do! I was put the fuck best System of a Down record, "Mezmerize" and begin to make a wank very strong and determination. As soon as possible I was feel a good power flow about my vains! And soon I was begin for ejaculation. But not the seamens! No! Was the words. And not leave from the penis but from the hands!! I was writing, more and more and morer, the words make a song and dancing from the mind! I'm thanks to you edmunds. the wank is cure very nice. I'm not feel the writers black now, just an intents power and inspire. I'm remember the spell, the gramatic, the all. WHAT A HAPPY! Now, let me to think ... what I'm will write for ... I'm know ... THE SPORTS ...
erm ... ok. i'm will try for help Chrohm's but I'm nor even know where he is live
Johnluca you no have menshoned the Wombledons of soccer. It was a teem from the Lundon which was no realy good. Then one days the MacdOnalds from america has buyed for the club and to taken he to the city very knew in the senter of Ingland who is MkMilton di Keynes. Now is this club a very popular and the fan makes a many claps. Is a very happiness, no? But were some bads peoples who don't like MKdonals and have say "We want stay in the Londun!". They has makes a knew club who is AFC Womblesdon, which are the A for "anyone", the F four "for", and teh C who is for "Kricket".
Is a rubish anonymous. The fans are not many a clap. There is only 3 fanatics of Mk di Dons, one is a gay and 2 are blinds. I'm hate. i'm think also you are a blind. you are make coment in the wrong poster. this is for "writers black" not the sports. Plaese be pay atention.
You have a reason! I'm made a mistaken! Please to rectify my silly! The nextime I will to cheque befour to writing my RE-sponse.
Thanks for the comment, Gianluca.
Enjoy the football season.
But is true you are for getting how important is America in sports. Knots only have World Serious Base Balls which evry country and planet are so bad.
But is truth that important America is for sports. Not onlys does they having World Serious Base Balls which all other countrys are bad so at play that none ever heard of anyone but America winning because America best country in world.
Also why you make funny for too many American fats? Is only shows of total commitemnent to skills of eating competitions. Americas are bests at eating competitions because in most competitions is have to eat Mk Dougal and Bugger King offals. Is a sickeness only capable of Americans.
Is a true that also are many foods special made for fats eating to not be too lard. For egg sample you can eat drugs to make stomach growl food fast for series competitiving.
You are now of more informatics, so be learned.
Sorries. I only writes about the Coq Sportif because I am a writer black.
Aaaaaah!! I'm confusion, anonymous. i'm feel a little uncomfortable when someone is a more craze then me. But good opinons for the americans. I'm absolutly not know what you are say
Hey John Luc, you wanted to know what is wog? check out this Australian site:
IT may help you with your writers black.
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